Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lazy Saturday

So it's 30th Dec. 2007 ushering in 2 days time.

Am I ready?
Good question.

Nope. I don't think so.
Or maybe I am.
Depends in which way you're looking at.

Everything seems to be the same and I am definitely in no rush to change anything. It's not the matter whether I'm afraid or not. I am not. It's just that I decided to take a laid back track. Why the rush, people? I don't get it. I guess it's just me.

I've been asked what is my new year resolutions. My answer is plain simple - don't bother to have resolutions. Why make plans when you know you're gonna end up breaking them? Right?

So I spent the whole thinking about who are my friends? The people I know who got my back while I got theirs? Wow... My list got shorter. And that people, I say it's a good thing. At least I know I can trust them unless someone decided to betray it. But sadly some of them are not in town at the moment. They're away for work while I'm stuck here.

Whatever shall I do now?

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