Monday, March 5, 2007

Reality Check

Ok. Party's over. All good things must come to an end. Sure what we had was something but hey... we're both not ready for it right? Long live the secret affair straight out of the bond movie, honey!

Alright Alexis, time to wake up and open your eyes to your messy room and smell the lemon fragrance from your air freshener. It's time for me to take a reality check what's going on and face the music. Oh the drama of Alexis's life. Jeez... I'm beginning to sound cheesy.

Time to put my game plan for this year on. And try my darndest to make it work. Seriously, I'm determined to make this happen. It's gonna be my getaway plan. A chance to be to find myself and be more independant. Also a chance to be with my best friend and have our crazy fun ways to kill time.

Well, enough for the day. Till next time, adios!